Criteria A
Criteria A
Design Situation:My design situation is that students nowadays are spending far too much time on their phones and not enough time with their family and studying. Lots of students now will spend only 1 hour studying a day and 4 hours on their phone either texting or watching something or going on social media etc. and they'll only spend about 10 minutes with their family. This is wrong because this with lead to the student failing or getting very bad grades on their test and will also lead to disengaging between their parents. A solution to this would be for students to create a schedule for every day, this could be done very easily on their phone or on a piece of paper possible on the ride home for school, its very simple all they have to do is write down how they will spend their time for example, they can spend 30 minutes eating every meal, 2-3 hours studying although it does depend how much work they have to do, 1 hour for free time and 30 minutes to shower. This way they will be more organised which means they will be able to sleep earlier instead of doing their work last minute and they'll have all their work done the next day and will have full energy in the morning.
What is the Nature of this Problem?
Students using their devices more than studying and not being able to manage their time will effect both their grades, their sleep schedules, which will also effect their health. It will also ruin their eyesight, it can be in your nature to have bad eyesight but a lot of young children's eyesights are being ruined because of using their devices too much. It also effects how socially active the student is outside of social media, it will effect their social anxiety in real life. It even effects their grades and the way their doing in school. If they're up until 2 am because of their phone they wont have enough energy to focus in school and if they don't spend enough time studying it will also result in them getting bad grades. Theres also lots of cyberbullying going on on the internet which effects the students confidence and theres even been lots of people who have committed suicide because of cyber bullying.
Who is it a Problem for?
It is a problem for the students, it will effect their mental health, their futures, how theyre doing in school, their grades, etc. It can also be a problem with the school because of the student not being socially active and because of their bad grades. Its even a problem for the parents.
Where is the Problem Occuring?
It is occurring in schools all around the world, specially in middle/upper class areas.
What is the Cause of this Problem?
This problem occurs when young children are exposed to technology at an extremely young age making it normal for them to spend over 4 hours of their day on their phones or other devices. Exposing kids to technology at a young age isn't always a bad thing, in fact it can be a really good thing but sometimes it can lead to them being addicted or obsessed with their devices which will effect their overall mental health and their studies.
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